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Kennesaw: USA Kapitalanlage mit 6,5% Rendite - "Cobb Place Shopping Center "in Kennesaw, GA - Preis: $ 71 Mio.
Objekt-Nr.: CB154
US-30144 Kennesaw
Vermietbare Fläche ca.:
32.000 m²
52.000.000 €
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Gesamtfläche ca.:
133.550 m²
Property Use Type: Investment
Primary Type: Shopping Center
Regional Center/Mall
GLA: 338,365 SF
Lot Size: 33.00 Acres
Price: $71,000,000
Price/SF: $209.83
Cap Rate: 6.50%
Cash On Cash: 7.40%
Year Built: 1986
Property Description:*
We have been selected as the exclusive broker to offer for sale Cobb Place Shopping Center in Kennesaw, Georgia. The property is a 338,365-square-foot shopping center anchored by Bed Bath und Beyond, Cost Plus World Market, and DSW Shoes and is prominently located in the dynamic northwest Cobb County retail submarket of the greater Atlanta metropolitan area. Renovated in 2004, Cobb Place Shopping Center presents the rare opportunity to own a newly redeveloped, dominant shopping center anchored by national anchors. The property“ s close proximity to the dominant regional mall makes it one of the trade area“ s strongest retail locations.
*Location Description:*
Cobb Place boasts of a highly visible location situated on Barrett Parkway west of Interstate 75. The immediate area of Barrett Parkway is the center of retail activity for northwest metro Atlanta, anchored by the 1.2-million-square-foot Town Center Mall located on Barrett Parkway just east of Interstate 75, as well as other major retailers such as Home Depot, Target, and Costco. This prime location provides direct exposure, visibility, and excellent marketplace recognition for the tenants. The prime corner location provides a convenient shopping venue, thereby creating a well positioned retail destination within the immediate trade area.
The neighborhood where Cobb Place is located is distinguished by its strong demographic base, its location in the heart of a commercial corridor, its close proximity to an abundance of the country“ s top employers, and its access to all other areas within the larger metro area. The combination of these factors creates a very desirable neighborhood.
Additional Types: Community Center Parking Ratio: 5.18 / 1,000 SF
*•* Excellent Credit Tenant Mix: Bed Bath und Beyond, Cost Plus World
Market, DSWShoes, Ashley Furniture, Thomasville Furniture, and HobbyTown
USA *•* Pride-of-ownership, 2004 renovation: Renovated in 2004, Cobb
Place Shopping Center presents the rare opportunity to own a newly redeveloped center
*•* Below Market Debt: 10 years interest only loan with a below-market
fixed rate of 5.87% due in April 2015 *•* Below Replacement Cost and
High barriers to entry
*•* Prime location on Ernest Barrett Parkway and Barrett Lakes
Boulevard, one-half mile west of Interstate 75 *•* Strong demographic
base: A population of 155,843 and an average household income in excess of $77,507 in a 5-mile radius
Financial Summary Actual
Net Operating Income: $4,608,582
Major Tenant Information
Tenancy Type: Multiple
Debt und Equity Information
Debt Type: Existing
Loan Amount: $42,700,000
Interest Rate: 5.87%
Down Payment: $28,300,000
Loan Description:
The buyer must assume the existing loan of $42,700,000 at an interest rate of 5.87% fixed. The loan is full-term interest-only due and payable in March 2015.
Primary Type: Shopping Center
Regional Center/Mall
GLA: 338,365 SF
Lot Size: 33.00 Acres
Price: $71,000,000
Price/SF: $209.83
Cap Rate: 6.50%
Cash On Cash: 7.40%
Year Built: 1986
Property Description:*
We have been selected as the exclusive broker to offer for sale Cobb Place Shopping Center in Kennesaw, Georgia. The property is a 338,365-square-foot shopping center anchored by Bed Bath und Beyond, Cost Plus World Market, and DSW Shoes and is prominently located in the dynamic northwest Cobb County retail submarket of the greater Atlanta metropolitan area. Renovated in 2004, Cobb Place Shopping Center presents the rare opportunity to own a newly redeveloped, dominant shopping center anchored by national anchors. The property“ s close proximity to the dominant regional mall makes it one of the trade area“ s strongest retail locations.
*Location Description:*
Cobb Place boasts of a highly visible location situated on Barrett Parkway west of Interstate 75. The immediate area of Barrett Parkway is the center of retail activity for northwest metro Atlanta, anchored by the 1.2-million-square-foot Town Center Mall located on Barrett Parkway just east of Interstate 75, as well as other major retailers such as Home Depot, Target, and Costco. This prime location provides direct exposure, visibility, and excellent marketplace recognition for the tenants. The prime corner location provides a convenient shopping venue, thereby creating a well positioned retail destination within the immediate trade area.
The neighborhood where Cobb Place is located is distinguished by its strong demographic base, its location in the heart of a commercial corridor, its close proximity to an abundance of the country“ s top employers, and its access to all other areas within the larger metro area. The combination of these factors creates a very desirable neighborhood.
Additional Types: Community Center Parking Ratio: 5.18 / 1,000 SF
*•* Excellent Credit Tenant Mix: Bed Bath und Beyond, Cost Plus World
Market, DSWShoes, Ashley Furniture, Thomasville Furniture, and HobbyTown
USA *•* Pride-of-ownership, 2004 renovation: Renovated in 2004, Cobb
Place Shopping Center presents the rare opportunity to own a newly redeveloped center
*•* Below Market Debt: 10 years interest only loan with a below-market
fixed rate of 5.87% due in April 2015 *•* Below Replacement Cost and
High barriers to entry
*•* Prime location on Ernest Barrett Parkway and Barrett Lakes
Boulevard, one-half mile west of Interstate 75 *•* Strong demographic
base: A population of 155,843 and an average household income in excess of $77,507 in a 5-mile radius
Financial Summary Actual
Net Operating Income: $4,608,582
Major Tenant Information
Tenancy Type: Multiple
Debt und Equity Information
Debt Type: Existing
Loan Amount: $42,700,000
Interest Rate: 5.87%
Down Payment: $28,300,000
Loan Description:
The buyer must assume the existing loan of $42,700,000 at an interest rate of 5.87% fixed. The loan is full-term interest-only due and payable in March 2015.
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Luxus-, Gewerbeimmobilien und Kapitalanlagen,
bei Immobilien mit einem Preis von über 1 Millionen Euro wird der Kaufinteressant in der Regel dem Eigentümer einen Nachweis seiner Zahlungsfähigkeit vorlegen müssen bevor konkrete Verkaufsverhandlungen mit dem Eigentümer aufgenommen werden können.
Bei Auslandsimmobilien in denen nicht der Euro die Landeswährung ist, bezieht sich der Verkaufspreis immer auf die jeweilige gültige Währung. Durch ständige Schwankungen in den Umrechnungskursen ändert sich somit auch der Preis in Euro, der Preis der jeweiligen Landeswährung bleibt jedoch konstant.
Besuchen Sie auch unsere website www.gi-commercial-investment.com denn hier finden Sie eine großen Auswahl an internationalen Gewerbeimmobilien und ausgesuchter Kapitalanlagen.
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